Former Staff Exposes Lee Asher’s Evil Side Revealed – The Horrors His Fans Don’t Know!

In the age of social media, where influencers project an image of perfection and compassion, it’s easy to be captivated by their curated personas. Lee Asher, known for his viral rescue videos and promotion of animal welfare, is no exception. However, a troubling account from a former employee reveals a stark contrast to the polished image presented online. This is the story of Liz, a certified dog trainer, who worked at Lee Asher’s property and endured a traumatic experience that left her physically and emotionally scarred.

The Incident That Changed Everything

Liz, who was employed as an animal care worker, found herself in a dangerous situation after Lee Asher decided to adopt two Tibetan Mastiffs, a breed known for their strength and protective instincts.

Despite his apparent fondness for the breed, it seems Asher was unprepared for the responsibility and challenges that come with handling such powerful dogs. Liz, despite her qualifications as a trainer, was not hired for her expertise but merely as a caregiver for the animals.

Tragically, things took a horrific turn when one of the Mastiffs attacked Liz, inflicting severe injuries that required 66 stitches from her arms down to her legs.

The incident was so gruesome that Liz’s GoFundMe page includes disturbing photos as a stark reminder of the ordeal she went through. The emotional and physical pain she experienced is unimaginable, and yet, the reaction from her employer was nothing short of cold and dismissive.

Silence and Neglect from a Self-Proclaimed “Good Guy”

In the aftermath of the attack, Liz found herself not only battling her injuries but also struggling with the lack of support from Lee Asher. According to the source, Asher never reached out to Liz following the incident.

There were no phone calls, no messages of concern—nothing. Liz has been unable to return to work due to her injuries and has been left to rely on workers’ compensation and the support of her family to get by.

This lack of empathy is shocking, especially coming from someone who promotes himself as a champion of kindness and compassion.

Liz’s inability to work has left her in a dire financial situation. Her mother is trying to care for her and her children, but the financial strain is overwhelming. Despite being released for light duty, the nature of her profession—working with dogs—does not accommodate such restrictions, leaving her without income or a means to support her family.


@k9optima If you follow me, please consider donating to Liz. As trainers and animal advocates, it’s our responsibility to support our peers and community members when they need it most. And to all the Lee Asher diehard fans who might want to challenge me, go ahead – this is the right thing to do. #k9optima #leeasher #asherhouse #justiceforchevy ♬ original sound – K9 Optima

The Community Steps In

In a bid to help Liz through this challenging time, her friends and supporters have taken to social media, urging the community to contribute to her GoFundMe page.

The response has been heartfelt, with many people expressing disbelief at how someone who portrays himself as a beacon of goodness could abandon an employee in such a state of need. Yet, Lee Asher remains silent, leaving his former employee to fend for herself.

Controversies Surrounding Lee Asher’s Rescue Practices

This isn’t the only controversy surrounding Asher’s animal rescue endeavors. Recently, he has come under fire for his approach to handling dogs with behavioral issues.

Asher has been accused of euthanizing dogs without seeking input from professional behaviorists. In a series of videos defending his actions, he claimed that he would not keep an unsafe dog on his premises, stating that referring such dogs to behaviorists was pointless as they might revert to their dangerous behaviors.

This stance has raised serious concerns among trainers and animal welfare advocates. They argue that euthanizing dogs without consulting professionals shows a lack of understanding and respect for the complexities of canine behavior.

It seems that while shelter dogs are quickly deemed unworthy of a second chance, Asher’s personal pets are given different treatment, even when they pose a significant risk to his staff.

Hypocrisy and Double Standards

What stands out as particularly troubling is the double standard in how Asher handles his dogs. Despite his swift actions to euthanize shelter dogs for behavioral concerns, he has not taken similar measures with his own Tibetan Mastiffs. Instead, employees are required to work in an environment with these aggressive animals, armed with citronella spray, bite sticks, and tasers for their protection. This raises the question: why are the lives of some dogs deemed less valuable than others?

Social Media Backlash and Bullying Tactics

In the wake of Liz’s attack and the ongoing criticisms of his practices, Lee Asher has not shown remorse or concern. Instead, he has lashed out at those who dare to question him.

In a recent video, he shared the email of a rescuer who criticized his actions, effectively inciting his massive social media following to target and harass the individual. This tactic of using his influence to silence critics further tarnishes his image and calls into question his integrity as an advocate for animal welfare.

A Call for Accountability

The case of Liz and the broader issues surrounding Lee Asher’s practices highlight the importance of accountability, transparency, and genuine compassion in animal rescue work. It’s easy to project an image of goodness online, but true character is revealed in how one treats those who are vulnerable and in need of support—be they animals or humans.

Liz’s story is a sobering reminder that the reality behind the scenes can be far different from what is shown to the public. It’s crucial for supporters and followers to look beyond the curated social media presence and hold influencers accountable for their actions. As for Liz, the hope is that with community support, she can recover and rebuild her life, despite the trauma she has endured.

For those moved by her story, contributions to her GoFundMe are not just financial support but a statement of solidarity against injustice and neglect. It’s time to demand more from those who claim to be advocates and to ensure that their actions align with their words.

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