Hachiko Reborn: For 12 years, a Dog has been waiting for her Dead owner in the hospital door.

In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck Kathmandu in April 2015, Alka Hospital became a hub of both tragedy and resilience. Amidst the chaos, a patient was admitted to the hospital, accompanied by his loyal companion—a small black puppy. The duo found solace in cabin C18. Despite the medical team’s efforts, the patient … Read more

Top 5 Largest Crocodiles in the World. WOW!

Top 5 Largest Crocodiles in the World

Millions of years ago, the planet was ruled by giant reptiles. It’s no wonder many would want to take a trip back in time and capture every jaw-dropping experience of seeing those majestic creatures. Nowadays, it has been reported that the most prominent reptile ever to live is the crocodile, together with its cousins, caimans, … Read more