The Vet life is a reality TV show that airs on Animal planet channel. The show follows three vegetarians, Dr. Diarra Blue, Dr. Michael Lavigne, and Dr. Aubrey J. Ross, on their day to day services on their animal hospital and the animal shelter they set up in Huston Texas.
The show first premiered on 4 January 2016 is currently in its sixth season with a total of thirty-five episodes. The three doctors brings pulls out a spectacular show as they try to balance their personal life and their profession that involves saving the lives of animals brought to them.
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Is “The Vet Life” Canceled?
The show premiered its fourth season on 6 April 2019, after which animal planet did not indicate when the fifth season will be aired. There were speculations that the show was canceled. The fourth season ended in May 2019, but after two months break, the show was back for a fifth season on 10 August 2019. The sixth season ran from 4 January 2020, with its tenth episode aired on 7 March 2020. So, the show is still on.
Location of the Hospital.
The three doctors established the Cy-Fair Animal Hospital in 2015. Currently, they have two branches, the main one in Louetta Road, Cypress, Texas, and the other one in Aldine Bender Road, Houston, Texas. The offer both hospital and boarding services with current facilities in the veterinary field. They accept both walk-in and scheduled appointments. They have an elaborate website that eases the whole booking process.

The 2016 Puppy Lawsuit.
In July 2016, the three doctors were accused by a couple who had brought two puppies to their hospital died. It was reported that the couple brought in two bulldog puppies for treatment that would take a week. Unfortunately, one of them died when it was operated on a few hours after being brought in.
For unknown reasons, the doctors cremated the puppy without consulting the couple. This did not mean ogre well with the couple who wanted to do a necropsy to determine the cause of death. This case was, however, solved. Other than this case, at the start of their work, the doctors have had a smooth run of business.
“The Vet Life” Cast: The Doctors and Details
Dr. Diarra Blue.
Dr. Blue was born and raised in Detroit. He had a passion for tending to animals since his childhood. Blue became a neighborhood veterinary even before he joined university. He got his B.Sc. Animal Science from Tuskegee University. He also became a Doctor of Veterinary medicine from the same college.
Dr. Blue has worked in several facilities, including two in Los Angeles, before teaming with his two partners to have a hospital of their own in 2015. To keep up with his passion, Dr. Blue participates in seminars and other forums organized by Tuskegee University, where he is an alumnus.
When off duty, Dr. Diarra Blue enjoys the company of his wife, Dr. Jessica, two boys, Dean and Dylan, and daughter Nia.

Dr. Michael Lavigne.
Dr. Lavigne grew up in New Orleans though he was born in California. As a child, he had several pets, including horses and reptiles. The love for animals started at a tender age. He joined Xavier University to Biology and later majored in Veterinary medicine.
He then joined the Tuskegee University and became a doctor in veterinary medicine in 2007. After years of ongoing work, Dr. Michael Lavigne joined two of his partner, and the three started their hospital, Cy-Fair Animal in Huston.

When off duty, he enjoys his family, his wife Ann, and two boys. Together they love going fishing, golfing, hiking, and entertaining friends and families. The family also lives with a French bulldog named Yama, Schnauzer mix dog named Woody, a cat they rescued from an accident and adopted named Sugi.
Dr. Aubrey J. Ross.
At the age of five, Dr. Ross already knew what he wanted to be; a veterinary doctor. He was encouraged to have a supportive family and started taking care of animals in the neighborhood, such as snakes, Guinea pigs, hens, rabbits, etc.
He later joined Tuskegee University to be a doctor in veterinary medicine in 2007. Just like his two fellows, Dr. Aubrey Ross also worked in Las Vegas. It was during his work at Banfield Pet Hospital that he leaned the business aspect of his job.

In 2013, he moved back to his town to partner with his two colleagues to start a hospital. The hospital provides quality veterinary services, community empowerment, and mentorships.
When off duty, Dr. Ross likes going to church, hanging around friends, hiking, golfing, and other social activities. He was once involved in an unfortunate accident, but he survived and returned to his feet and duty.
I really loved this show. I hope it does come back. Sorry it’s canceled.
It was such a great show!! Please bring it back!!
Dr. Lavigne has a son and a daughter, not two daughters.
You really need to correct some of your information.
The first paragraph you say for The Vet Life that they are “vegetarians”, um, no, you mean veterinarians.
Also Dr. Mike Lavigne doesn’t have two boys, which is incorrect, he has a daughter and a son.
They also live in Houston, not Huston.
I really hope and pray that his show continues, because I love it!
Thought I would be able to find the answer about the TV Series The Vet Life but it appears this is just copied from what is on Google. So then tell me whats the difference
I miss your show.
Is there no one to proof read this, before allowing it to be “published”?
Horribly written and full of spelling errors and gibberish sentences that made no sense.
Please gentlemen, do NOT cancel your show!! I love it!! Three men who are very successful and have beautiful families, and a sense of humor, especially Dr Blue, he cracks me up!! Don’t y’all go no where!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I miss them on TV it showed what hard work can accomplish and good fir for black to see other than sports
Plz don’t cancel the pet life love the show. The Doctors are good and does very well at teaching children. I watch my granddaughter and now she wants to be a vet. Thanks Doctors. Your awesome.
I wish the show would come back because its very interesting on how they treat animals. Great show
Unfortunately the new owners of animal planet cancelled all of these kinds of shows
Did they ever find out what the two puppies die from ?
I live in Kalamazoo a 78 yr old female. I absolutely love The Vet Life!! As I am writing this, I am watching S3/E8.
All of the Drs. crack me up in every show. I was surprised to see them back on a couple weeks ago…wish they would do a new season, but will watch them over and over. Great families too!!!!!????
When will the Vet Life return? I love this show. Please bring it back. Thank you.
So sad really enjoyed the show
I just find this TV show is so enjoyable. Everyone works so well together! It has some serious things that go on just like every other show but these 3 gentlemen work extremely well together and It seems like the families get along great! I hope their show is NOT canceled because shows like this are very few and far between. Please don’t cancel!!!!!
What happened to Dr. Ross wife and children?
I just have to say I really miss your show. I hope you are all doing well.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
They are not vegetarians, they are VETERINARIANS, idiot who wrote this article.
I love The Vet Life . Please do more shows . We should have more shows like this & Amazing Dr. Pol .
I love this vet show. It is so family oriented. These guys are so good together as vets. They really care for all animals. It’s enjoyable to see them interact with their families. I hope it continues on.
I just love this show.
My wife and I enjoy the program, funny and serious. All the different animals and laughter, and FAMILY. Wholesome.
Bring Vet Life back to Animal Planet in 2023.
I heard Animal Planet may be renamed and branded. That is why shows are all reruns.
I miss you guys. Are you still filming?
I want to see more The Vet Life
Enjoyed their show, and hope they return to TV soon.
When is this program scheduled to air again?
I miss the show please bring it back.
Am so glad to see this wonderful show is coming back again! The vets are true professionals. I really love seeing them work , and spending time with their families. Way to go animal planet! We also dearly love all of Dr. Jeff”s shows and watch them over and over again as well.Thank you so much for putting on quality programs for us to watch. Sincerely Pat Dukes
3 Veterinarians, NOT Vegetarians!
I binge watch this show! I really love it! I love the play among the doctors and their families. The animal part of the show is wholly entertaining, informative. and entertaining. A wonderful job by all!!!
I just loved these guys and their families. I truly hope they are doing well. I miss the show so much! My Prayers are with them all.
I really enjoy the Vet Life. Been searching for new episodes. Sincerely hope Animal Planet decides to renew this series. Programming this last year has been so dry and repetitive and uninteresting. Not my favorite channel anymore.
I love love love this show so much! There so very few shows I can feel safe to have my grandchildren watch with me. Thank you so very much for quality programing! Also Dr. Jeff rocky mountain vet. We don’t any of these shows, and record all of them, old and new alike. Plea se keep both of these shows going a very long time! Very Sincerely, Patricia Dukes
The writer’s grasp of the English language is deplorable. The vets are vegetarians? LMAO Far from it…the word is “veterinarians”. Also what, pray tell, does “does not mean ogre well” mean? And what about “Blue became a neighborhood veterinary”?
Stick to your native tongue or hire a proper translator.
The fact that Google & Yahoo were not fined/banned for stealing articles from other publications/authors & not paying for them is deplorable. The quality of writing (as opposed to print journalism) has plummeted. Ethics/factual reporting that was the usual standard of journalism in years past is no longer practiced nor expected.
Either NetMag, the actual author, or the designated proofreader failed in the jobs that precede actually publishing an article. And no one has ever corrected the many problems here. Sad.
I find this with most online articles. My students are better proofreaders!
How did the covid pandemic affect their business? If at all.
I wish it would come back to.
I’m a Jonny come lately. Wasn’t aware of this show during that time. I would’ve made a trip to TX just to save my pup. He was diagnosed with a neurological condition. I’m sure they could’ve save him. They seem so much caring than from some vets here in the DMV area. My baby died in my arms in 2021????????
Love this show, I hope they would bring it back.
Is there a chance of bringing back The Vet Life? We just fou nd it and enjoy it very much. Please advise.
I really loved these 3 doctors. I think they were fabulous doctors. At the same time, they had great personalities and were very entertaining. I hope all is well with them and we see them back in the future.
i wish we had human doctors as caring and passionate as these doctors.
the writer here however, listed the veterinarians as vegetarians. The three are all uniquely different but very much the same ironically.
I loved this show. It was a great family and a great family show. I’m sorry it is now longer airing.
I love the VET show-bring it back
Wish the show was still in production
It was a great show.
We are big fans of The Vet Life!! Hoping we get some new episodes. We’re wearing out the older ones! ???????????????????????? These doctors clearly love animals. (One small correction. Dr Lavigne has a girl and a boy, not 2 boys.)
I watch The Vet Life on Free-Vee. Reruns can play 24/7 for all I care. That’s how much I love the show. Regardless of legal complications or whaTever, I remain a loyal fan!
I truly loved watching this show. There was so much I learned and took away from watching these successful doctors at work. Please bring the show back!!!!!
Dr. Dee Akram
I was sad to hear the latest series of the Vet Life was canceled, I was really looking forward to the new season.
I LOVE this show. BEAUTIFUL SUCCESSFUL BLACK DOCTORS! But there is an error. Dr Levine has one daughter in college & one son, not two sons. Great article also.
I love watching this show. I find it to be very interesting and there is so much you can learn about different types of pets and what it takes to keep them healthy! Please bring this show back
loved the show. please bring it back. enjoyed the three dr. so sweet and nice guys. bring it back.
My husband and I loved the show. We eagerly awaited every new episode.
Please bring the show back.
I LOVE this show. I have been learning so much about different animals. My son calls me a geek but that’s ok. I just tell him that one day he is going to Thank me for watching the Drs at work. Please bring the show back. You are never to old to learn new things and I am 61 with 2 dogs 1 cat and 3 birds.